Monday, January 04, 2010

libsoy building separately now

We've been working on the "libsoy" branch of PySoy for some time, a split of the compiled code to a GObject-based C library with Python bindings plus the pure Python code constituting PySoy itself.

Previously we were struggling to build this with Python's distutils system, which didn't support building system-wide C libraries nor using valac to do so. Jon and I started looking into Waf last week. It's pretty impressive; Python based (and works with Python 3), simple, intuitive, does everything we need with only a few dozen lines of script. Last night we setup libsoy in it's own repository and building (just a very basic for now) on it's own.

I think we're settled to work with Genie, a comparison between the syntax of in Vala vs in Genie makes that choice simple. The only complaint I have with Genie is needing to escape newlines inside struct {}'s (ie, line 32-35), but reportedly this is being fixed in an upcoming release to be more Python-like (ignoring newlines while inside () or {}).

After a bit of searching (through source code, I wish Waf had better API reference in it's docs) I found the gir= option for Vala building, and another hour later both soy-1.0.gir and soy-1.0.typelib were being generated, except both were empty save the "soy" namespace:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<repository version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:c="" xmlns:glib="">
  <package name="soy"/>
  <namespace name="soy" version="1.0" c:prefix="soy">

I've hit this before with trying to generate GObject Introspection from distutils but chalked it up to not building it correctly. As it turns out, this is a known bug in GIR and a previously unknown bug in valac to fail silently.

I'm still hoping the GIR developers will come to their senses and support nested namespaces, but given that they've stubbornly rejected this for months already I'm afraid we'll have to build a cross-language bindings builder based on Vala/Genie instead of helping to update PyGI for Python 3.

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